New Post

Hello Everyone Again?

It’s my pleasure to thank everybody subscribed to my every weekend analysis hope I’m helping you but it’s the gratefully kind of support you always show me.

I don’t expect the big Pump next week due to the act that the stock market won’t have massively Big sharks like Crypto or forex instead we shall see the slowly stock move .

This game is like how Roman Empire didn’t built for the single overnight which is the great opportunity for us such that has no great risk in return you can either cut your losses anytime you want with costless risk price.

Last week there were two stocks seemed to breakouts and give a little profits $FUTU & $MELI The rest were like summer fire in California or spider rain in Brazil.

The following are stocks to put on your Radar Next week Like How I Do:


But also There are many opportunities when you deal with the IPO stocks (IPO) Initial Publish Offerings stocks

The stocks to focus are like: $APPG $ATAT $MRX $FLOC $KRMN $HG $INR.

At the end of the day Discipline and consistency shall separate winners and losers like chaff from the wheats.

Have the Great weekend &God Bless you.